Posts Tagged ‘violets’


February is a big month in the floral world, with Valentine’s Day putting flowers on people’s minds. However it is the lovely Violet that is the flower for February. The Violet symbolizes loyalty, faithfulness and wisdom and is the perfect flower to give to someone to let them know you’ll always be there.

Known for their heart-shaped leaves and five delicate petals, Violets traditionally come in shades of purple but are also seen in blues, yellow and whites. The colour of the Violet changes its significance: The blue and purple Violets symbolizes love and faithfulness. The white Violet represents purity, while the yellow shows high worth and goodness.

Used by the Ancient Romans as medicinal herbs, Violets can be eaten raw or cooked and are often used in desserts and as plating decoration.

The Australian native Violet and the African Violet are the two most popular varieties. They grow well in most areas of the country and bloom in the warmer months.

Potted violets make an ideal indoor plant, preferring a cool, shady spot away from direct sunlight, these pretty flowers provide a pop of colour and need minimal care.

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